
Modern SlaveryĀ and Human Trafficking


The devastating impact of slavery and trafficking are far more widespread than many, especially in the west, understand. We work with many charities who themselves are working on the frontlines of the battle against such practices. At Trust Advice we acknowledge our responsibility to combat slavery and human trafficking. We are committed to preventing these practices in our operations and supply chains.Ā 

Our goal would be that one day, statements such as these will be unnecessary. In the meantime, the truth about these issues must continue to be broadcast through any means possible.Ā 

Modern slavery encompasses various forms, including human trafficking, forced labor, servitude, and slavery. While we are not required by current law to issue this statement, we remain vigilant against potential exploitation.

This statement specifically addresses the desire of Trust Advice to comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015, outlining the measures we take to eliminate slavery and human trafficking within the organisation and those we work with. Our reputation for integrity and fairness is crucial to our success and to our commitment to our clients.


With over two decades of experience, Trust Advice specialises in providing support through various means to the charity sector. We work within the UK.

Supply chains:

We expect our suppliers to adhere to high ethical standards and operate professionally and legally, promoting similar standards in their own supply chains.


- Employees should have the freedom to choose employment and leave upon reasonable notice.

- Clear employment contracts

- Fair and equal treatment, dignity, and respect are essential for all employees.

- Discrimination, victimisation, and harassment based on various grounds are prohibited.

- Adherence to applicable laws and industry standards on wages, benefits, and working hours is mandatory.

- Compliance with all slavery and human trafficking laws, including the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015, is required.


All Trust advice staff must comply with laws, act with integrity, and undergo training to address human trafficking, forced labor, servitude, and slavery.

Charity Workers:

At Trust Advice we want to provide a confidential route for anyone working within the charity sector with concerns about slavery or trafficking to request help in bringing any concerns forward to the relevant authorities.Ā